February 2022

  • What is Linux?

    What is Linux?

    Linux is a Unix like operating system. It is open source and free. A user can interact with Linux either using a ‘graphical interface’ or using the ‘command line interfaceโ€™. What are core components of Linux? 1. The Programs- Set of instructions. When a program is launched, it creates processes. Program or process will be…

  • What is Distributed System?

    What is Distributed System?

    A distributed system is one that uses networked computers to accomplish a common aim. Many computers are used to distribute the job. Distributed computing is the branch of computing that analyses distributed systems. The goal of distributed computing is to do tasks quickly by employing a large number of computers. A distributed system in its…

  • What is Big Data?

    What is Big Data?

    Big Data Big Data is a term given to the data of very large size. This data could be structured or unstructured. Handling such data require special tools and techniques. Problems related to handling such data can be classified in 3 types- Volume(Data at rest)- When the problem we are solving is related to how…

  • What Is SQL?

    What Is SQL?

    Introduction to SQL language SQL is a domain specific programming language designed to manage data stored in a relational database management system (RDBMS). It can also be used in Relational Data Stream Management Systems (RDSMS), or in “not-only SQL” (NoSQL) databases. SQL- Sub Languages Data Definition Language (DDL): to create and modify the structure of…

  • Simple Quiz